Ethereum Developer Anthony Di Iorio Speaks Out – DANGER of ETH2.0 Heading Towards Centralization Away from GPU Mining.

A Long-Gone Ethereum Co-Founder Speaks Out – Why He Sees Possible DANGER of…
The Raider
1 min read

Critical Components of DeFi, the Financial Layer Decentralized Web3 Ecosystem for Lending, Borrowing, and Trading Digital Assets

Decentralized finance or DeFi is an umbrella term for financial products and services running on a decentralized…
The Raider
4 min read

EthereumPoW (ETHW) First Ecosystem List for Startups. Web3 Enthusiasts’ and Official Twitter Accounts Invited

Core contributors of EthereumPoW (ETHW), the most popular Ethereum (ETH) spin-off on the proof-of-work (PoW) consensus, invited…
The Raider
54 sec read

After The Merge Bitcoin vs. Ethereum. What Are the Differences? Implications of Proof-of-Work Compared to Proof-of-Stake. What does It mean for Crypto Investors?

Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain platform, are the two most…
The Raider
3 min read

Flexa Network’s Aims for Seamless, Transparent, Secure, and Fraud-Proof Transactions. Accepting Digital Payments made from Flexa-enabled Apps Gemini and Argent.

Flexa Payments offers merchants high-quality digital currency acceptance support to facilitate a smooth integration process.
The Raider
2 min read

Flexa Network Supports Multiple Cryptocurrencies and Wallets for Instant Payment Authorizations via AmpToken. Integrating, Digital Currencies with Physical Retailers.

Flexa: Digital Payments Flexa is a New York City-based financial technology (FinTech) company…
The Raider
2 min read

Collateralization, Accessible, Adaptable, and Future-Proof AMP Token. Advantages and Risks of Staking this Digital Coin.

Amp collateralization has been verified, audited, and freely accessible for usage by anybody. Therefore, creating apps that secure and unlock Amp...
The Raider
3 min read

Collateral Token AMP Global Leader for Pure Crypto Digital Payment. Transfer of Value is Instant and Fraud-proof.

Flexa offers the fastest network globally, with easy-to-use DeFi protocols that will become the new gatekeepers to crypto. Amp is the...
The Raider
3 min read

Instant Cryptocurrency Transactions and Growing Blockchain Networks make Amp Token One to Consider Long Term.

Cryptocurrency investors have certainly seen some rather impressive returns of late. The recent valuation growth among cryptocurrencies has primarily been tied to the...
The Raider
3 min read

Strategies For Staking Pools 2022. Amp Subsidy to Seed Pay Out Capacity for Flexa-Enabled Apps.

What are the new staking pools?  It is one of the most misunderstood things I have come across in the world...
The Raider
1 min read
Amp universal collateralization token

Amp Universal Collateralization Token Offers Instant, Fraud-free Payments Solving Crypto Transaction Problems.

The future looks like this… A world where DeFi automation mechanisms are extended to traditional assets while remaining compliant with existing...
The Raider
8 min read